Window of Hope’s specialty is to run short-term brigade-style medical mission clinics. Our medical experts are broadly trained in multiple specialties including Disaster Medicine. Our Advisory Board is comprised of a range of professionals with hundreds of years of combined medical practice experience. Our experts are veterans of multiple foreign deployments stretching around the world. With a commitment to quality, and through a process of continued refinement and experience in settings around the globe, we feel that our medical clinics are among the highest quality in the world.
Our brigade clinics typically last about one week. They are set up in a locally recognized building in a targeted area of need in the third world. We erect a temporary “M.A.S.H.” style clinic that usually includes medical, minor surgical, dental and optical departments (like an Urgent Care Center). Our skilled volunteer medical professionals examine patients, and Window of Hope provides free medications with a well-stocked pharmacy utilizing only the finest medicines and supplies. All visitors to the clinic receive the services free of charge and all have an opportunity for social work, spiritual counseling and prayer.
We have had the opportunity and privilege of providing care to victims of natural disasters around the world. Window of Hope strives to be ready to distribute life saving medications and care in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. We are also experts in disaster medicine methods and process. You can learn more about Window of Hope disaster services on our disaster services page.
Window of Hope sponsors programs to feed, house and clothe the most vulnerable and at-risk people around the world. While we sponsor our humanitarian programs in various countries, our current focus makes the children of South Africa are our most precious recipients of humanitarian care.
Window of Hope draws on the scripture found in James 1:27: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” As such, we target these at risk people groups to provide practical help with medical and humanitarian aid.
Window of hope is committed to spreading the Good News of the Gospel around the world. We take a gentle but real approach to sharing our faith. Our philosophy is to “Love People Until They Ask Us Why” and to share the Gospel not just in word, but also in deed. No recipient of humanitarian relief is required to accept any religious doctrine or participate in any faith activities. All are treated regardless of background.
By partnering and networking with reliable overseas organizations and churches, Window of Hope assists in micro-development projects. Such projects allow individuals who are faced with absolute unemployment to learn a skill and to work, raising funds to support their families. Such job skills include sewing, quilting, beadwork, brick making, bakeries, etc.
Window of Hope also expands into other areas such as providing first aid kits and stock bottles of medicines to AIDS patients and orphanages.
* If you are interested in helping, please contact us.